People love to project and assume, and make up entire stories in their head about the people they encounter, even when they barely know them.  And in terms of romantic interest, it’s so common for people to assume someone else likes them based on certain reactions.  Blushing is likely the biggest one.

But blushing alone doesn’t necessarily mean someone loves you.  To quickly sum up the list below, people can blush from:

  • Anxiety, insecurities, and emotions they feel that aren’t related to the assumer
  • Physical and situational factors
  • Physical or mental health problems
  • And much more. Read on…


  1. General social anxiety
  2. They’re just shy
  3. They just exercised
  4. They’re wearing too much clothing
  5. The room/environment is too hot/cold
  6. They lust you, but they don’t love you
  7. They’re sick with a fever
  8. They’re having an allergic reaction to food or medicine
  9. They’re having an allergic reaction to their skincare, makeup, or anything else topical
  10. They’re having an allergic reaction to you for stroking your own ego with the false assumption that they like you
  11. They’re having a hot flash
  12. Acne & other skin conditions
  13. Sunburn
  14. They just showered or washed their face with hot water
  15. They have a naturally flushed face
  16. They ate something hot or spicy recently
  17. They drank alcohol recently 
  18. They got emotional over literally anything right before having to talk to you
  19. They have a mental/physical health issue and blushing is a side effect of the issue and/or their medication
  20. They’re thinking about their crush, who isn’t you, and you see them blushing because you’re talking to them
  21. They’re they recently talked to their crush, who isn’t you, and you see them blushing because you’re talking to them 
  22. They just kissed their crush, who isn’t you, and you see them blushing because you’re talking to them
  23. They think you’re staring at some part of their body that they’re insecure about
  24. They think you’re judging them and they feel shame
  25. They just recalled an embarrassing or emotional moment out of the blue
  26. Or, you just inadvertently embarrassed them in some way, but you don’t know it
  27. You made them uncomfortable
  28. The situation is uncomfortable 
  29. They have to do something out of their comfort zone later on and they’re anxious and nervous 
  30. They were just crying and are trying to hide it
  31. They’re holding down any kind of emotion (anger, anxiety, etc.) because it’s not the right situation to express it
  32. They literally have no idea how to express themselves properly, or aren’t good communicators, so they’re embarrassed they can’t talk or socialize well
  33. So many other random reasons: You’re a guy, and your fucking zip is down, and they kind of don’t know how to tell you.  No, they’re not eyeballing you down there because they’re interested, ok?  Now let’s see you blush when they tell you.  Then, they’ll start assuming that you like them instead, because you’re blushing.  How does that make you feel?  
  34. And so much more.  The only real way to know if they love you is by asking them directly, and hoping you get an honest response.  Don’t assume love is the sole reason why people blush.



I had fun writing this one, to say the least.  And this list is only for blushing as a symptom.  People assume things based off of so much more, but I covered this one because it’s such a classic example.

Time for a story.  I had a man assume I liked him, and he flirted with me to stroke his own ego, in order to get a reaction out of me.  Personally, I’d never make someone who likes me uncomfortable like that.  I’d act normal around them.  Why?  Because I like to be gentle with people’s feelings, because it’s their fucking feelings, where they are at their most vulnerable.  They likely don’t want you to know something so emotionally delicate, especially if it’s unreciprocated.  That can really hurt.  How could you use someone liking you to stroke your own ego like that, and potentially hurt them in the process? 

But karma has a funny way of getting back at people like this guy, because a few weeks later, due to a turn of events, he ended up liking me instead.  He didn’t even have the nerve to flirt with me anymore because he caught feelings for me, how’s that for a reverse card.



I’d actually love to hear more reasons than what I came up with, so feel free to name some more in the comments to spread awareness.  Be a part of the solution, not the problem.

And if you actually want to blush, be sure to give this sweet romantic oneshot, or the ANGEL IN BONDAGE chapters on my site, a read.





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