New readers now come to this site first to read AiB so that they get an immersive experience, but I wanted to show reader comments from sites like AO3 and more that I had cross-posted AiB to before this site was the go-to place, as well as reactions you all messaged me.  I felt bad losing all the comments for fans to check out, so here they are, copied!  It’s a nice addition to the newer comments on the site’s chapters.  I just wish I had time to copy all of them, but I just chose a handful.  I’m grateful for every single reader I have because they have given my story a chance – you all keep me going when things get rough.  I actually have an album on my camera roll full of comments and messages from you all in case I ever need a lift.

So please don’t hesitate to leave comments on the chapters on site! I think readers like hearing from each other too. I know many people who read and don’t comment, which is really a loss, so please don’t be shy!  Comments help others know the story is worth reading, too, and that support is highly appreciated.


Portrait Painting of Yiuna Li for ANGEL IN BONDAGE by AGENT ROSE



“I’ve read chapter 2 over and over just to wrangle my words, but AAHHHH ROSE IT’S SO GOOD SO FAR!!

I have such a thing for so many of the characters you write! Yiuna being a closed-off and composed character because of a tragic past, opening up to people being a foreign concept. Gianni being a tragic anti-hero, in a way, just wanting to help the woman he reluctantly fell for. The two slowly warming up to each other and overcoming their traumas too, just, aaaagh it’s all so good and you strike so much of what I love!!  (I’m also very intrigued by Candy since I tend to like the odd, sadist characters. I can tell she’s gonna grow to be a fave if we get to see her again)

The contrast of Yiuna’s fond and bittersweet memories clashing with her next case was just chilling, being stuck in the past even like how she used to leaves so much impact when you realize all she’s lost. God I hope she finds someone to open up to she deserves it. I just love love love flawed and tragic main characters so much and I love your characters. They react to their traumas, situations, and tensions so well.
dfskdjhfksd i’m sorry I’m rambling at this point but I really adored it all, the second chapter was so well done!! I really really look forward to the next chapter, you have my full support!!

I totally wanna draw Yiuna one day too, I already love her. What a queen.”

– Incujon


“I really like the characters, they feel multidimensional with all of their strengths and flaws. The use of dramatic irony creates excitement where we the readers see what they are thinking, but they were unaware of their true motives to each other. Also with so many encompassing elements together including sci-fi, thriller, action, romance, tragedy, it all makes the world and characters in your story feel like they are full of life.”

– Nalim289


“Wow, your writing is so cinematic it literally played out in my head like a movie. The dialogue is always so clever and like, quippy. It’s very movie like, something tells me you would be rly good at writing a script lol and your style is GREAT for the mystery genre. i like damiens disposition and his character in general (when they seem kinda like a giant mess but they’re actually really good at what they do)”

– Miaoulovania


“You do an amazing job constructing real and believable characters by opting to show rather than by merely telling. This line really stuck with me and created a vivid mental image of the scenario:

‘He felt her shaky breathing gradually steady beneath his palms. She bowed her head as her resistance melted, pooling at the corners of her eyes. Wet droplets fell from her cheeks, gracing her bare thighs.’

Please continue to deftly weave imaginative yet concise descriptors into your future chapters!”

– Max Miller


“This is so interesting making me want for more 🥺 The sad and smut scenes are well depicted. You did a great job putting hard thoughts into words. Very well written, I must emphasize. Can’t wait for the next release.”

– Lilavendree


“The ending of chapter 2 got me good I won’t lie…for that moment as [spoiler redacted] I felt all the emotion that Yiuna was feeling…I like reading stories that make me feel something and yours is definitely up there.  Despite me only finding out about the story two days ago I fell in love with the characters.

I can tell you put a lot of work in their development…I know you mentioned somewhere that you hope you’d depict them as good as they were in your head while going through the ups and downs of life…and let me tell you, you totally did them proud in my opinion!”

– _epherion


“Rose, your writing is so fluid and it’s so easy to get absorbed into your story! Your descriptions are so vivid and paint clear mental pictures of every scene. The characters and their situations are so easy to fall in love with- and some scenes of this chapter really had me tearing up! Keep up the amazing work Rose, I’ll be looking forward to the next chapter <3”

– NightCorruption


“Hi Agent Rose! I just finished chapter 2 and I gotta say it surprised me in a very good way.  I’m not usually into romantic books or anything close to that so I didn’t know if I would appreciate your story.  But it’s so much more than that and here I just love the way you build up tension (sensual or not btw).  Really well put with Candy’s deadline, Yiuna’s suffering, and even the nightmare.  It slowly but efficiently gets more suspenseful and tensed.  And suddenly everything gets faster until the last scene (which is not freakishly everlasting like usual sorrow scenes, I appreciate that).

Also, I feel the chapter is perfect to introduce Yiuna, not just her strengths but also her weaknesses as well as her thoughts making her very real.   And finally her relationship with Gianni seems very natural and doesn’t come out of nowhere.  A very long message to say that you have convinced me and I haven’t really found flaws in the story actually (which is surprising considering it’s one of your first stories if not the first?).  Anyway I look forward for the next chapter and hope my thoughts will be useful :)”

“One can only understand just how profound it is already and will be, by reading it. I myself jumped into it, got eaten by an incredible tension, well-thought characters, as well as a great narration that promises to get better in the next chapters. And you know what? It’s only the beginning so you get to be part of that story while it’s written. There are only 2 chapters for now so if you happen to not like it it’s not a big deal but trust me you will. Pleasant reading.”

– OptionnalN


“I can’t really say much of a critique since I’m not too skilled with writing myself but i really liked AiB! I’m not really interested in the whole spies and action genre but this was really captivating! So far I’m in love with the world building and themes. I can really see the love and effort you put into every chapter! Also Yiuna is best girl all the way!”

– Soap


“Your style is so fluid and has so much personality. I feel like the narration itself was banter; the rhythm gave the scene more life. Waiting to learn more about the characters and their history!”

– Ofishenod


“The narrative is great! I just loved it!! By now, I just read the first chapter, but I’ll keep reading the other too! They seem to be very nice! Another thing I loved is the way you describe well the characters and already put them in motion at the beginning. ❤️”

– Luisa Brown


“Wow.  I teared up when [spoiler redacted].  It seems fitting since she’s not supposed to have any close relationships due to her [Yiuna’s] occupation.  You write so beautifully, I’m so glad you’re a writer.  You’re using your gift exceptionally.”

– Rachel


“I love how the characters are introduced! Also Zero and Yiuna Li’s interactions (>♡<)”

– Angela


“All I have to say is that it amazed me.  I liked the way that you introduced the characters with their personalities so well.  I was actually interested about the world they lived in and what’s coming next.  Not to mention that getting to see how the characters look thanks to your art gives a special feeling to it.  Keep it up.  I already signed up for emails if it helps somehow.”

– Camilo Martan


“Yiunaaaa!! she had an advanced waifu material, great story Agent!!”

– Aspiringswine


“I love the plot.  The secret service and the Boost agenda with the Italian mafia.  I love the action scenes and how well thought out the concept of the virus is.  I tend to stay away from that area when writing because I find it complicated.  I love how you wrote Yiuna because I can feel how special she is to you.  And I would love to see it with the other characters in more chapters to come.

And if you’re wondering if I cried in chapter 2, yes I did. “

– arts.and.dan


“I’m a fan of the intrigue and world being built here. It feels unique and special. I’m happily anticipating more about these characters, too!”

– TheWrongestTrousers


“Your transitions were excellent, you did an amazing job communicating the characters’ thoughts, and your language gave so much emotion to the whole setting and situations in the story. I could see all the actions you wrote and hear everything the characters said. This chapter casts Yiuna in a much more vulnerable light than chapter 1 and gives much more depth to the world and her work that gives a very promising path for chapter 3 to take. good stuff, lass”

– Torfeau


“Really great development of the scene and characters! The story flows really well and the descriptive quality feeds the imagination!  A really captivating and fully formed story! I also like seeing the snippets of process for the writing and artwork on Instagram! Great work “

– Calvin Stephens


“What I loved about the story is the relationship between Yiuna and Gianni. I think it’s romantic to have someone who’s always there for you. My favorite part was when Gianni shared his story about his wife, and how he got inspired to find a cure for the virus. It’s really [spoiler redacted].  Your story is really good and well-written, I look forward to read the next chapter! Keep up the good work.”

– Carlos Cortez


“I’m already infatuated by the character dynamics set upon this 1st chapter. The clash of personalities captivates me for how events can play out in the future . Eager to see more chapters come out and what the story build up to. Great work!”

– ShinScrub


“I’ve been following this story for some time now, across platforms, and I’m definitely looking forward to reading more. Well written, skillfully crafted and overall intriguing.”

– RinDes


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