I’m not a monk on a mountain. And I don’t want to let people’s preconception of what a “spiritual person” should be restrain me from having an actual personality.

Spiritual people are ordinary people, just like everyone else.  But those who are on social media only express certain facets of themselves, since they may feel pressure to curate their lives and self-expression in order to be counted as “enlightened”. They won’t say it, but it’s there. The pressure to act within a vanilla stereotype, because that’s what people expect. Especially if they’re running any kind of business. Because if you break the stereotype in people’s minds, suddenly nothing you say has any merit.

I was tempted to find a picture of any random temple that screamed “classic spiritual stereotype” instead of using this one, just to get my point across.

On that note, there is a preconception that enlightened people aren’t supposed to get angry, as if they’re not human. And it’s wrong. Specific things make me upset if I choose to think on them for too long, whether it’s some injustice concerning the system we live in, or people’s unconscious behavior that they’re not willing to work on. It’s an anger on the side of justice, and it catalyzes positive change.  It doesn’t stem from passive aggression, people problems, or ego.  But even if it did, it would still be a part of the growth process if it were worked through.  That doesn’t make anyone “less spiritual”.



When I’m angry, I am not only keenly aware of the fact that I am angry, but also choose my actions accordingly. My life experiences have made me very patient.  Most of the time, I won’t even let it show, because I figure it’s not worth it. I’ve stunned quite a few people with how calm I can stay. But other times, I’ll throw people’s shit right back at them.  Not only because I have an actual personality, but also because it may be necessary. It teaches people that you won’t be messed with.  With issues such as bullying and any kind of mistreatment, fighting back is often the only way.

I am keenly aware when I choose to express anger; there’s an underlying river of awareness and calm beneath the storm. And this is what most people lack, this conscious watching and gauging of their own reaction. Most people simply react, and this is the difference between an enlightened person and one who is more unconscious.

Normally, I don’t care what others think of me. I’m used to other people’s projection, even if I don’t like it.  I do, however, wish to clarify this issue, because it feels so restrictive to have to act within a stereotype and not be myself. I won’t have it. And those who don’t like that are unconscious to their own brainwashing in believing that enlightened people can only be a certain type of person. For “spiritual people”, it’s like having tattoos in the workplace; people’s narrow-minded preconceptions say that you can’t be taken seriously because you have a personality and choose to express yourself. Sorry to break it to you, but in modern society, most people don’t act like monks on mountains.

For “spiritual people”, it’s like having tattoos in the workplace; people’s narrow-minded preconceptions say that you can’t be taken seriously because you have a personality and choose to express yourself. Sorry to break it to you, but in modern society, most people don’t act like monks on mountains.



"I may be enlightened, but I have a personality." - @aib.submit on Instagram
My side account: @aib.submit on Instagram

No one has the time to clarify every single nitpick at their own self-expression, nor is it worth explaining yourself to strangers who don’t know you personally. I’d rather focus on those who find value in what I have to share, and who see my intentions in the correct light. I just hope I don’t have to make clarifying posts like this one all the time.

Either way, if what I say doesn’t resonate with someone, then they’re free to leave. Someone simply might not be a match for who I am after reading this. That’s totally fine. People who resonate with who I am will stay, and those who don’t will find their own path. It’s better for both parties either way. The more quickly we know we’re not a match, the better. I’m not for everyone, and people have different life experiences that can make us incompatible.

Of course, it’s also important to discern who is a good and bad influence on your life when on the path to spiritual growth, but that’s another story.  All I ask from those who do stay is to remain open-minded and egoless if you are to consider what I have to say on more serious posts. I’ll never say that I’m perfect because I myself am in a constant state of growth, and I’ll never tell people that my way is the only way, because people need to be able to think for themselves. But I will say that I’ve been through a lot, and that would like to turn my life experiences and what I’ve learned into something helpful for others.  And hopefully, more people in this particular domain won’t be afraid to be themselves.



I’m working on a oneshot between two ANGEL IN BONDAGE characters, spurred by a question I got from one of my readers.  I love hearing from you all and it helps keep my second Instagram account alive, so please don’t be afraid to ask me or any AiB characters questions there!  I’m not sure if that’ll be the next post, but hopefully it will be released in the near future.

Thank you all so much for being a part of my first group of readers. It’s cliché, but I can’t tell you how much it means to have each one of you here. If you enjoyed this post, please join the agent email list below. Share this with anyone who might enjoy it, any support is appreciated as I get things off the ground.





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